Saturday, February 20, 2010

Family Rules

I am so glad I decided to whip this baby up yesterday! It is so colorful...and the words are delightful. I found this idea over at The Pleated Poppy! She did hers using fabric. I thought about the fabric, but decided to use paper that I had! I just copied the words from the computer straight onto the paper. It was super easy even though I did spend several hours working on it! It's great when you take what you have laying around the house and make something so fun! I even had the canvas in the attic!
It's not perfect, but what is???
If you want to make one of your own just head over to The Pleated Poppy and there you will find step by step instructions!
Good luck!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Several different afternoons, the boys have gone out in the neighdorhood and collected food for Second Harvest Food Bank! They did a great job. They collected quite a bit of canned and boxed items. Yesterday we all piled up in the mini and drove the items to the Second Harvest Food Bank downtown. The kids collected enough to fill a grocery cart! I am so proud of their effort! Emmie even lended a hand!
Now onto other breaking news!
I went garbage diving this morning ~ that's a first for me!
I was taking the kids to school and spotted this on the side of the road:

I just couldn't resist. I was a tad bit nervous about stopping on the side of the road and grabbing another persons trash, but I got over it! Score for me. I cannot wait to clean her up!

Monday, February 15, 2010

President's Day, Potty Training and Tea...

Oh, I can't seem to get motivated today! I think it's because it is Monday and Monday's are always hard for me! I thought that since the kids were out of school that it would be a fun day, but instead it's just a blah day. Oh well.
Last night Emmie decided that she didn't want her diaper on. She's been doing this lately and I go with it for a little while then we move right back to the diaper. She was ready to do this in September so I'm guessing at this point she's really ready! I left her "Big Girl" underware on her last night for bed. I don't know what I was thinking because she sleeps with us, but she woke up dry! I couldn't believe it. She's done good most of the day, but the last 3 times she's wet her pants. I am going to stick with it though. It will be really nice this summer not dealing with diapers and the pool. I never did like those swim diapers ~ YUCK! The boys were all over 3 years old when they trained so she is a bit younger than them. I used the book potty Training in Less than A day. It worked really good, but I really don't have the luxury of being confined to the house for a week. If anyone has any tips on potty training young girls let me know!
Right now I am enjoying a hot cup of Peppermint Tea! Yummy! I love peppermint and it's caffine free which is nice! I think next time I go to the store I will pick up the white chocolate kiss. It sounds really yummy.
Maybe my day is blah because I'm potty training ~ unexpectedly! Wish me luck.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hug Your Sweetie!

My Hubby took me here last night:
This is one of my favorite resturants! The food is yummy and the atmosphere is wonderful. Last night it was quite busy if you can imagine. So, we decided to go to the bar have have a few drinks and enjoy our night without kids. We ended up at one of the bar tables with two other couples. We had a great time chatting with new people over dinner! Melody and Bill were great company! It made our night laughing with new people.
Be sure to HUG your sweetie today ~ kids included!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Lil Man!!!
My baby boy is 6 today!
Here's 5 of my Favorite things about Corbin:
1. He is so silly.
2. When he smiles his whole face lights up!
3. He is tough as nails ~ he has to put up with 2 older brothers!
4. He is very determined.
5. He loves his baby sister!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Give A Day. Get A Day!

Thanks, Disney! For years I have wanted to get my family involved in community service. I never knew what was a good fit for us, though. I have lots of things I would like to do, but dragging 4 kids with me makes most of those things a bit difficult. I've also been dying to go to Disney. We haven't been in a few years because we just haven't had the money. It's quite expensive with 2 adults and 4 kids. Back in the day, when we had $$$$, we went ALL the time. Corbin's first year of life we went and stayed many weekends down there without batting an eye! Well, these days I can't even imagine paying for the tickets and food for the day. I know, I know. What does volunteering and Disney have to do with each other? Well, since you asked I will tell you. Give A Day. Get A Day! This is a great program by Disney Parks. It is awesome! You can click on the link and get all of the information. It's quite simple really! It's perfect for families, especially those people like myself who are new to volunteering and want to get their whole families involved. You can register anyone over the age of 6. Every person can then search through a zip code based data bank full of opporitunities. They list locations, dates, times and even the ages that can participate! I am so excited! Everyone that finishes the volunteer opporitunity that they sign up for will recieve one FREE one day ticket to Disney World. Check it out and get your kids involved!

Monday, February 1, 2010


One minute it's spotless and the next....

Between the 6 of us we can make a MESS - yes, with capitol letters - in a matter of seconds! Does your house ever get like this? I feel like I'm a slave to the "stuff". It creeps out of nowhere, especially when the kids are home! Oh well, I'll clean it up and start the cycle all over again!

Happy cleaning!