Thanks, Disney! For years I have wanted to get my family involved in community service. I never knew what was a good fit for us, though. I have lots of things I would like to do, but dragging 4 kids with me makes most of those things a bit difficult. I've also been dying to go to Disney. We haven't been in a few years because we just haven't had the money. It's quite expensive with 2 adults and 4 kids. Back in the day, when we had $$$$, we went
ALL the time. Corbin's first year of life we went and stayed many weekends down there without batting an eye! Well, these days I can't even imagine paying for the tickets and food for the day.
I know, I know. What does volunteering and Disney have to do with each other? Well, since you asked I will tell you.
Give A Day. Get A Day! This is a great program by
Disney Parks. It is awesome! You can click on the link and get all of the information. It's quite simple really! It's perfect for families, especially those people like myself who are new to volunteering and want to get their
whole families involved. You can register anyone over the age of 6. Every person can then search through a zip code based data bank full of opporitunities. They list locations, dates, times and even the ages that can participate! I am so excited! Everyone that finishes the volunteer opporitunity that they sign up for will recieve one FREE one day ticket to Disney World.
Check it out and get your kids involved!