Friday, March 19, 2010
Busy Bees
Holy Moly! Can I say, "BUSY"! Busy is good, though. I feel like we have a new perspective ~ a more positive one now! Before we would sit around and sulk in our missery. Not now! It's great, we feel impowered! On top of being so busy we are on track to looking great at the pool this summer. Toby has lost 9lbs. now and I have lost 6lbs. We still have a way to go, but are feeling great during the process. Visalus is changing our lives ~ mentially, physically and emotionally! Things happen for a reason. I am a true believer of that. God has placed this opporitunity in our laps and we are going to run wild with it! If you're up for the challenge are just interested in learning more check out the link to the right!
On to other news. Avon is going well. Ii placed my first official order Thursday! YEAH!!
Last night I went to a fundraiser for a dear friend, Becki Couch, who is running for School Board! I'm so proud of her. We've been friends since elementary school. Toby had to miss the fundraiser because he had a Visalus meeting on the other side of town. It was a great night up until the end. That's when we ended the night in Super Crews Fashion with Baylor getting sick at the fundraiser. Poor baby threw up ALL night! Ugh! He stayed home from school today and seems to be feeling better now!
Hopefully, everyone will have an amazing weekend!
Monday, March 8, 2010
I Need an Office ~ Like yesterday!!!
I have a serious problem...I love to move furniture! And now that Toby and I have taken on a few new business opporitunities I've realized that we need an office ~ BAD! Before Emerson was born we used the back room for our computer, toys and stuff. We've put our home computer in our kids hall way since then Please let me know. I know that sounds weird, but it is actually a really neat space. Near the entrance to 2 of the bedrooms there is a big open area ~ almost like it was meant for the desk to go there. But (yes that is a big but) Toby and I now have lots of papers and stuff. I've got tons of Avon books ~ last campaign books, this campaign books and next campaign books and that's only the half of it!! So, I'm thinking about converting our dining room (the one we NEVER use) into a multi functioning office/craft area! Hopefully, when we see some money coming in we will close it in. I've been playing around with it and I think it can work. Do any of you have ideas??? I could use some serious help!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Where Oh Where To Begin...
Sunday was a beautiful day! The family gathered with my Grandfather to dedicate the carillon system in the memory of our G.G.! Gran was such a special person and is missed greatly everyday! Here are a few pictures from the afternoon:
Earlier in the week Emerson started a new gymnastics class. This class is for 3-4 year olds. I actually watch instead of being part of the class! After class we met Erica and Jillian for a little play time!
The girls are so cute together ~ they are really enjoying their time with each other!
In other news, I have opened up an etsy shop!! There are only a few goodies in there but it will soon be filled to the brim! Check it out:
Also, I am signing up to become an Avon Rep.!!! YEAH!!! I am really excited about this. Toby's cousin is a rep and I am meeting her on Thursday to get all my books to get started. I will have an eBoutique up and running soon.
Toby is also getting involved in a new endeavor called ViSalus! This is an amzing product. Check it out as well:
If you have any questions you can contact him through that site!
Lots more to come!
Hope you have a great week!

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