Toby and I met with Dr. Wilkinson today about my thyroid surgery. He definately felt that surgery was a no-brainer. He said my nodule would only continue to grow. Although surgery is evident, he said it probably is not cancer. He was very thorough. He looked at my past history and even put a microscope down my nose to check it out from the inside. I totally felt like one of those people - ya know the kind on the side of the road trying to make a buck doing tricks pulling string through their nose and out of their mouth - ya it was weird. He said everything looked good, though. He said it wasn't emergency surgery, but he didn't want me to wait until January. So, I am scheduled for October 14th at 9am. Hopefully, I only have to stay one night. In the meantime I have to start weening Ms. Emerson. This is the part that is going to kill me! Nursing is something that I just love and now I am forced to give it up. I know it's silly, but I'm quite sad about it. Especially, it being my last baby. Not only will it be painful, but introducing formula and a bottle at 8 months old should be interesting. I'm not sure what's going to happen, but I will keep everyone posted! Emmie is a trooper and always with a smile, so I'm sure she will be fine. Until then, here's a toast to good health!!!