OK. So, everyone out there probably already thinks I never watch my kid. I do, though. I really do! She's just so fast and the boys, oh the boys, are so messy and in to EVERYTHING! I'm thankfully that they are getting to an age where they help themselves and don't ask for my help all the time. On the flip side we have got to work harder on cleaning up behind ourselves, especially if we make a mess. Now that I have given some background to the madness, I walk into the kitchen to find Emmie covered in what appears to be blood. It was everywhere. But, typical Emmie was just sitting there smiling. My first thought was OMG someone left scissors or a knife on the ground and she picked it up. My Heart was pounding. I leaned over to pick her up and she just smelt so sweet. It was a fimiliar smell - KOOLAIDE. Corbin had tried to make some Koolaide and spelled it on the floor. I had just bathed her too! So, off we went for another bath. At that moment I realized this was a perfect blog photo moment!!
I would say that Emmie has a sweet tooth! first oreo's and now koolade! That is way to funny - and she is always covered with a smile. She is just precious and you can tell the happiness that she can. Love you so much.