Halloween was so much fun this year! Thankfully, I found the cutest Bumble Bee costume for Emmie at Cracker Barrell. That saved me from having to make it! YEAH. Baylor was Rey Mysterio and Landon was Mick Foley - Hello Mr. Sock-o!! For those of you who do not know - my kids are WWE maniacs. Corbin decided to do a classic character - Mr. Bones!
Pa brought over the trailer full of hay for the kids. That was really great. They ran stronge for a while, but they slowly ran out of steam, in which the trailer was priceless! Thanks Pa and Tickle!
Saturday was quite busy. We made Baylor breakfast for his Birthday and then headed to church for a run through of Sunday's Baptism. Afterwards we had lunch and then dropped the kids off at home with a sitter so we could go watch the FL vs. GA game at Pa and Tickle's house with other friends!
Sunday was Emmie's Baptism! Marla and Scott are Emmie's Godparents. The church was packed. We are members at
St. George Episcipal Church on Ft. George Island. It is very old and very tiny. It was a beautiful service. Emmie was so funny. When we walked up to the alter she saw her brothers and cousins and smiled with her sweet smile and said,"Hey!" It was great!

As you can tell from the picture she loves to lean her head back. Aunt Marla had been flipping her the day before. I totally thought she was going to flip out of Kammy's arms! The kids thought that was hilarious!!

It was a beautiful day filled with God's love! What more could you ask for?? We are truly blessed.
Hey - what a weekend and I just love all of the halloween costumes!! Great job! But the baptism pictures are priceless. I'm sad to have missed a special day. I can tell that corbin has gotten taller - he's catching up fast with Baylor. Gosh your kids are just georgous. It was great to chat with you today. Miss ya and love ya lots!