Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

So, the last couple of weeks have been crazy. I have been doing serveral different things for 2 seperate events. The first event was my cousin Erica's Baby Shower Aug. 9th. I was in charge of the "Thank You" gifts and name cards for the tables. The second was the Teacher Welcome Back Party sponsored by the PTO at the boys school yesterday, Aug.11th. The schools theme this year is "Ride the Tide and Discover New Depths". So, I decided to make Tissue Paper Fish for the tables. That was a chore, but worth all of the labor! Both events turned out beautiful. Erica's shower was wonderful. Alaina decided to have it at Sterling's Cafe. The food was great and Erica received some really great gifts, too. She is expecting her 1st Oct. 2nd - it's a GIRL! I have to admit that I am really glad that Monday has come and gone. This was a big deal. I was in charge of coordinating everthing from the food to the decorations. This was my first event and I wanted it to be nice. It seemed to go over really well! The teachers seemed to enjoy it and that is the most important thing! My next event will be the Christmas Party! Also, last night was a BIG night for Landon. The team got to finally wear their pads!!! The hitting has begun! Landon is having soooo much fun. Be sure to check out Go Yulee Hornets for pics! (click on the link on the top right corner) Below you find some random pics! Hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness the fish! They are precious! Wow, they look like they are custom made..well they are by you! You are awesome. I know that the teachers and that school is in for a real treat to have you in charge of decor this year!
    Thanks also for picking me up from the airport on Friday. I enjoyed seeing everyone and please give Landon a hug for me, I was sad to miss him. Love you lots!
